University of Toronto School of Continuing Studies Logo CIM | Chartered Managers Canada

Work towards your designation at the University of Toronto
School of Continuing Studies!

Complete courses towards your C.I.M. or C.Mgr. designation in-class or online with the University of Toronto School of Continuing Studies.


CIM | Chartered Managers Canada and the University of Toronto School of Continuing Studies (SCS) have partnered to offer more ways to earn your professional designation.

The UofT School of Continuing Studies offers a variety of business and management courses that count towards your Certified in Management (C.I.M.) and Chartered Manager (C.Mgr.) designations. As a leader of Toronto universities, these flexible courses offered both in-class and online can assist your journey to professional designations.

Both CIM | Chartered Managers Canada and the UofT School of Continuing Studies have a long history of offering professional development courses to help Canada’s management professionals advance their careers.

Benefits of UofT School of Continuing Studies Courses

By taking courses at the UofT SCS, you will be learning the latest in management skills, best practices as well as the fundamental knowledge to become a successful business leader. Other benefits of taking courses at the UofT SCS include:

UofT School of Continuing Studies & Chartered Management Program Course Equivalents

To help you gain a better understanding of how the UofT School of Continuing Studies' courses help you meet the requirements for your C.I.M. or C.Mgr designation, we have provided this comparison between the courses in the Chartered Management Program and the courses offered from the UofT SCS.

CMP Core Courses - Requires All 4 Courses

CMP Core Courses UofT SCS Courses
Business Administration & Management 0977 - Business Management
Managerial Communications

3213 - Business Writing OR
3213A - Writing Effectively for Business
3213B - Mastering Business Writing

3198 - Persuasion & Negotiation in Business OR
3197 - Business Presentations and Public Speaking

Financial Management 0976 - Financial Management
Business Strategy 0974 - Business Strategy

CMP Optional Courses - Requires 4 Courses

CMP Optional Courses UofT SCS Courses
Canadian Business Law 0973 - Business Law
Managerial Accounting 0983 - Management Accounting
Human Resource Management 0987 - Human Resources Management
Managerial Marketing 0978 - Marketing: An Introduction
Economics 0980 - Economics: An Introduction
Organizational Behaviour 0988 - Organizational Behaviour
Operations Management 2121 - Principles of Operations & Supply Chain Management
Project Management 1860 - Foundations of Project Management OR
2468 - Foundations of Project Management: Accelerated OR
3401 - Practical Project Management: Part 1
3402 - Practical Project Management: Part 2

Click here for more details on the UofT School of Continuing Studies courses on the SCS partner webpage.

Take the Next Step in Your Management Career with CIM | Chartered Managers Canada & UofT School of Continuing Studies

CIM and the UofT SCS, the leader of Toronto universities and a renowned institution worldwide, have come together to offer a collaborative and flexible option to earn your professional designation, develop critical management skills, and advance your career!

When you complete the UofT SCS program and become a member of CIM, you will have completed the CIM Chartered Management Program (CMP) and have met the academic requirements for the C.I.M. designation. If you also hold an undergraduate or graduate degree, then you will have met the requirements for the C.Mgr. designation.

If you’re ready to take your management career to the next level, then register for the courses listed above and become a member of CIM today! If you have any questions at all, then be sure to contact us at

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