Board Of Directors Nomination

About CIM | Chartered Managers Canada (The “Association”)

Founded in 1942, CIM | Chartered Managers Canada is the leading professional association in support of Canada’s Chartered Managers through certification, accreditation and professional development.  As the voice of Canada’s Chartered Managers, we provide leadership on issues affecting the management profession in Canada, increasing awareness of management as a profession.

As a chartered not-for-profit, the association operates through a Head Office and 14 chapters across Canada, providing management development and certification to over 80,000 managers since its founding.

Association Mission, Vision, And Strategic Objectives


A leading professional association in support of Canada’s Chartered Managers through certification, accreditation and professional development.


To be the voice of Canada’s Chartered Managers.

Strategic Objectives

Requirements Of Board Members 

Directors must be willing and able to devote the time and effort necessary to fully participate in the governance of the association and, through the President and Board Chair, provide oversight of the Chief Executive Officer.

As a volunteer position, this commitment involves preparing for and attending all scheduled board and committee meetings, making time for travel (within and out of province), and virtual and in-person meetings across the country, including the Semi-Annual Board Meeting (SABM) and Annual General Meeting (AGM). The National Board estimates the time spent participating in Board activities as between 5-10 hours per month, depending on the committees you join and the time of year.

Professional Members, in good standing, may seek election to the Board of Directors as per the ByLaws, subject to the following:

  1. Nominations must be received by the Chair of the Nominations Committee thirty (30) days prior to the Annual General Meeting or Meeting of Members.
  2. All nominees are required to submit their application through the online portal linked below.
  3. Must be a Professional Member (C.I.M. and/or C.Mgr.) in-good-standing of the association.
  4. Candidates will be required to sign a confidentiality agreement after being elected.
  5. Candidates must be 18 years of age or older.
  6. Directors are required to make a significant commitment of both time and expertise and assume the legal responsibilities under the Canada Not-For-Profit Act and applicable Canadian laws.

The Board of Directors is strong and effective when the following core competencies are represented, and each Director contributes knowledge, experience, and skills in at least three domains:

The association aims to reflect these skills and experiences through an appropriate balance of diversity.  Directors must demonstrate high ethical standards and integrity in their personal and professional dealings and must be willing to act, and remain accountable for, their boardroom decisions.  Directors should be able to provide knowledgeable and thoughtful counsel on a broad range of issues.

Nominations to the Board of Directors are now open (deadline to submit is 2PM on October 11, 2024)

I have read the above and I acknowledge the responsibilities and time commitment expected of becoming a National Board member and would like to continue with my application.


If you would like to contact an existing Board Director regarding their experience serving the Board, please email to coordinate a follow-up.

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