CIM | Chartered Managers Canada News
Keep up to date with the latest news and announcements from CIM | Charted Managers Canada.
Here, as well as thought leadership articles from our members and designation holders that span a wide range of topics in the world of management.
New Member Directory - Live!
We are excited to share with you that our new Member Directory is live on our website!
Online Resources for CIM Members
We have many opportunities for our CIM members to grow their professional development online!
New Updates Coming To ManagementDirect!
CIM members have access to ManagementDirect, an online management portal packed with content designed to assist managers in overcoming everyday challenges, as well as providing supported, structured learning.
COVID-19 Update Regarding All CIM Events/Meetings
In light of the World Health Organization (WHO) declaring the COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019) outbreak a worldwide pandemic, the Board of Directors has decided to postpone the yet-to-be-announced in-person 2020 …
Getting your workplace ready for COVID-19
WHO and public health authorities around the world are taking action to contain the COVID-19 outbreak.
New Membership Benefit: The Emotional Intelligence Training Company, Inc.
CIM Members can now save 10% off the cost of events or certification enrollment from the The Emotional Intelligence Training Company, Inc.
UPDATED: Call For Nominations (CLOSED)
Take notice that a special meeting of the members of the Canadian Institute of Management (“CIM”) will be held at online (details to follow electronically) at 6:00 PM ET on …
President's Message
Dear CIM Members, It is an honour to have been elected as your President by the Board of Directors after our recent Annual General Meeting in Calgary, Alberta.