February 10, 2020 - News


UPDATED: Call For Nominations (CLOSED)

Nominations to the Board of Directors and Notice of Special Meeting of Members

UPDATED: Nominations are now closed.

Take notice that a special meeting of the members of the Canadian Institute of Management (“CIM”) will be held at online (details to follow electronically) at 6:00 PM ET on June 3, 2020 to conduct the following business:

Present the confirmation of the minutes of the annual meeting held on January 18, 2020;

  1. Present the online election results for seven (7) additional directors to the CIM board of directors to ensure compliance with the minimum number of directors which is set at ten (10); and
  2. Present the approval, by special resolution, of the articles of amendment to change the classes of membership in CIM from one (1) class of members to two (2) classes of members: voting Class A members (Professional Members) and non-voting Class B members (Associate Members).
  3. Nominations to the Board of Directors will close by 5:00 PM ET on May 4, 2020 and online elections will be held from May 11 to May 22, 2020.  Election information will be sent electronically to all members in good standing.

Meeting minutes and articles of amendment may be accessed through the CIM website at: www.cim.ca in the members-only section or by contacting Jennifer Tracy, C.I.M., Manager of Communications and Administration at jennifer.membership@cim.ca.

The text of the special resolution to be submitted to the meeting is linked hereto as Schedule “A”, along with a copy of the articles of amendment to be approved (Form 4004).
DATED this 24th day of April, 2020.

Bob Fisher, C.Mgr.
President and Board Chair
CIM | Chartered Managers Canada

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