CIM Toronto Chapter: Holiday Dinner & Keynote Speaker (SOLD OUT) - UPDATED

Please note this event has been updated.
Presentation: The Promising Future of Management
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Matthew Jelavic, C.Mgr., P.Eng.
As an internationally recognised leadership expert, management scientist and professional engineer, Matthew is a thought leader in the field of corporate leadership and board governance with decades of experience encompassing management and technology. He is CEO of CIM | Chartered Managers Canada and a Professor of Engineering and Management Science. With extensive industrial and academic experience, Matthew progressed through project and department management at several companies, eventually managing a high-volume manufacturing plant serving a global market. All this experience has combined quite well to give Matthew an exceptional background into complex management and technology systems, with extensive publications, book chapters and media contributions in this field.
Matthew holds a doctorate in business administration, Master’s degree in management sciences, diploma in operational research, undergraduate qualifications in mechanical engineering  and industrial technology, and is currently near completion of a law degree. He holds Fellowships in the Institution of Engineering and Technology, Chartered Management Institute, and the Royal Society of Arts.

Date: Tuesday, November 28th, 2023
Venue: Seneca Polytechnic, Newnham Campus Room D4030 (D Building) 1750 Finch Ave. East, Toronto, Ontario M2J 2X5
6:00 pm – Registration and Networking
6:30 pm – Dinner
7:00 pm – Keynote Speaker Dr. Matthew Jelavic, C.Mgr., P.Eng.
Free for Members & Students  –  $20.00 for Guests

This event is now full - SOLD OUT

Toronto Event Flyer - PDF click here - This event has been updated. The scheduled keynote speaker is unable to attend due to Covid. Please see the flyer for the speaker update.

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