CIM British Columbia & Yukon Chapter: Annual Meeting, Learning, Networking, Appreciation Event

The CIM British Columbia & Yukon Chapter invites you to their
Annual Meeting, Learning, Networking, Appreciation Event

“Charting Your Own Path on Career Journey and Progression”

Join this interactive session to hear perspectives and engage in a dialogue. Topics discussed will include: 

Strategies and Tactics for Career Progression

John Fernandes, MPA, P.Mgr., C.Mgr.
Director of Cybersecurity Strategy, Microsoft

John is the Director of Cybersecurity Strategy at Microsoft.  His role is to shape cybersecurity strategy with the goal of keeping customers, industry, and communities secure.  John has been at Microsoft for 25 years, having worked around the world and lived in Toronto, Singapore, San Francisco, Seattle and Dubai.  He has launched multiple global initiatives and is passionate about developing talent, inclusive growth, and how technology can change the world for the better. 

When:  Thursday, December 1, 2022 at 5:30 PM. - 10:00 PM
Where: Executive Airport Plaza Hotel and Conference Centre, 7311 Westminster Highway, Richmond, BC

For Whom: Great learning and networking opportunity for professional managers, organization leaders, management students, management educators, and human resources professionals.

Cost: $20 for Professionals, $10 for Students

To view and download the event flyer and registration form, click here.

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