CIM Toronto Chapter: Masterclass - Storytelling for Change

Everybody loves a good story. A well-crafted story is memorable and compelling, a source of inspiration. From Abraham Lincoln to Martin Luther King Junior, great leaders have used storytelling to drive the most important transformation processes in history.

As Paul Watzlawick famously said, "One cannot not communicate." We are all constantly sending messages and telling stories, whether we’re aware of it or not. How can we create stories that have the desired effect? How can we leverage storytelling as a tool to effectively and successfully lead change? Now more than ever, in a world overflowing with data and information, storytelling is an essential instrument.

This October, we're diving into how you can use Storytelling for Change with The Digital Economist's Purpose-driven Change Specialist and Chief Content Officer, Mike Durrie.

As Leaders, we know that communication plays a vital role for any change initiative. But what about Storytelling as an effective tool of communication? This masterclass will focus on how to craft stories that drive change and gain stakeholder trust and buy-in.

Join us for our free masterclass! Make sure you save your seat, so we can plan for you.

Will we be seeing you on Wed, October 27th @ 12:00PM ET

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