About CIM | Chartered Managers Canada's Toronto Chapter

Chapter Overview

CIM's Toronto Chapter is one of our original three CIM Chapters. Founded in 1942, it has a strong history of service, both to members and to the community at large.

CIM - Then & Now

CIM Toronto Now and Then image

Written by: Peter Horlock C.I.M., C.Mgr., P.E. (ret.) Advisor to the Toronto Branch of CIM.

Peter Horlock was educated in the U.K.., the U.S.A., and Canada and followed a career in industrial engineering, culminating as a business consultant until retirement.  He graduated from the University of Toronto in 1970 with his C.I.M., and obtained his C.Mgr. designation in 1976.  His P.E. registration was obtained in 1978 from California, U.S.A.

Peter was an active member of the Canadian Institute of Management for over 45 years.  He served on various committees at the Chapter and National levels during that time and was on the Toronto Chapter executive. Some of his contributions include program chair for the 1980 conference, participation in the “Cossman” film, Toronto Chapter convocation speaker, author of "CIM  Then & Now", in addition to serving as a Chapter advisor. His awards included a Life Membership and National Quality Service Award.

CIM | Chartered Managers Canada Toronto Chapter Education Partnerships

CIM | Chartered Managers Canada values education that empowers students to develop their skills and grow into confident and competent managers and business leaders. The Toronto chapter has specifically partnered with many post-secondary institutions in and around the city to ensure they offer programs that meet the requirements of the Chartered Manager Program (CMP) so students can become eligible for our management designations upon completing their program. If you are looking at post-secondary programs in Toronto and the GTA to advance your career in management, consider these programs to help you obtain our C.I.M. and C.Mgr. designations.

CIM | Chartered Managers Canada Toronto Chapter Annual General Meeting

Members of the Toronto Chapter of CIM | Chartered Managers Canada come together once each year for our local Annual General Meeting. These meetings allow chapter members to gather and discuss their vision for the chapter, new developments in management and leadership, and for the chapter committee to plan events and opportunities for their local members over the coming year. By bringing the chapter’s greatest business minds together for this meeting, members are able to gain valuable insight that they can take back to their organizations to solve real business problems and reach new heights of excellence in their careers.

Join The Toronto Chapter of CIM | Chartered Managers Canada Today

Become a part of the rich history of management excellence that the Toronto Chapter of CIM | Chartered Managers Canada embodies. Joining as a CIM member will give you access to a wide network of management professionals, management and leadership resources like white papers, case studies and thought leadership pieces, our exclusive on-demand portal ManagementDirect, and give you the ability to hold our prestigious management designations. If you’re ready to get noticed and recognized internationally as a true business leader, then join CIM | Chartered Managers Canada today!

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Contact Information

CIM Toronto Chapter
2800 14th Avenue, Suite 210
Markham, ON L3R 0E4
e-mail: cimtoronto@associationconcepts.ca

Chapter Committee Members

Chapter Chair - Phil Russo, C.I.M., P. Mgr, C.Mgr.

Treasurer - Thong Minh Tran, C.I.M., P.Mgr., C.Mgr.

Chair, C.Mgr. - Peter Boos, C.I.M., P.Mgr., C.Mgr.

Chair, Membership - Stephen SC Lo, C.Mgr. (Can), CMgr FCMI (UK), MBA

Chair, Education - Kirkley Elliot, C.I.M, P.Mgr., C.Mgr.

Chair, Newsletter - Wesley Spence, C.I.M.

Chair, Marketing - Joseph Mohanthas, C.I.M., P.Mgr., C.Mgr.

Chapter Committee Member - Paul Markle, C.I.M., P.Mgr., C.Mgr.

Administrator - Beth McKenzie


Toronto Chapter is pleased to welcome members in the following categories:

For the Fee Schedule, click here.


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