About CIM | Chartered Managers Canada's Manitoba Chapter

Chapter Overview

We acknowledge that we are in Treaty 1 Territory and that the land on which we gather is the traditional territory of Anishinaabeg, Cree, Oji-Cree, Dakota, and Dene Peoples, and the homeland of the Métis Nation.

History of the Canadian Institute of Management in Manitoba

Our history in Manitoba dates back to October 8, 1964 when nine visionary leaders established the Canadian Industrial Management Association (Manitoba Division) incorporated in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The name changed in 1970 at the National Conference in Winnipeg to become the Canadian Institute of Management.
These nine visionary leaders became the first Manitoba board members:

Since 1964, the Winnipeg Chapter has been very successful:

Throughout our history we have and continue to make significant contributions by having representation on the National Board of Directors. CIM in Manitoba continues to innovate and contribute to leading the development of the Canadian Institute of Management.
The CIM's Manitoba Chapter is currently the largest Chapter. It has always been active and a driving force behind National initiatives, and has provided both National Presidents and Directors. Manitoba is equally strong in both education and program events, to provide members with a full range of options to maximize their CIM membership experience.

CIM | Chartered Managers Canada Education Partnerships in Manitoba

The Manitoba Chapter of CIM | Chartered Managers Canada has continued to be a leader in management education and certification since its inception. They have spearheaded partnerships with both of the leading universities in Manitoba, the University of Manitoba, and the University of Winnipeg.

Through these partnerships, students and aspiring management professionals are able to earn their Certified in Management (C.I.M.) and Chartered Manager (C.Mgr.) designations through the completion of the following management programs.

If you are an aspiring manager in Manitoba who is looking for post-secondary programs to launch your career from, then we highly recommend any of these programs which, upon completion, will make you eligible for our professional management designations to help you get noticed and recognized internationally as a competent business leader!

Join The Manitoba Chapter of CIM | Chartered Managers Canada Today

Joining the Manitoba Chapter of CIM | Chartered Managers Canada means you will be joining the largest provincial network of management professionals in our organization! You will be able to take advantage of the many benefits that comes with a CIM membership including access to learning modules through ManagementDirect, white papers, case studies, and thought leadership pieces from fellow members, exclusive events and be eligible to hold our prestigious management designations. Register for your membership with CIM | Chartered Managers Canada today!

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Contact Information

For further information on CIM in Manitoba, its programs, activities and membership, please contact us:

Canadian Institute of Management - Manitoba Chapter

#315-2345 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, MB R3J 0M7

Email: administrator@cimmanitoba.com

Chapter Committee Members

Chapter Chair  –  Terry Penner, C.Mgr.  

Past Chair – Steve Lupky, C.Mgr.

Manitoba is pleased to welcome members in the following categories:

For the Fee Schedule, click here.


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