About CIM | Chartered Managers Canada's Northern Alberta & Northwest Territories Chapter

Chapter Overview

The Northern Alberta and North West Territories Chapter of CIM welcomes you to our page. Our chapter has many unique qualities that provide members with an experience unlike any other chapter within CIM.

  • Was formed in 1985 and celebrated its 35th anniversary in 2020
  • Serves a geographic area of more than 1,470,000 square kilometers
  • Serves a population of more than 1,800,000 (2013 Census Info)
  • Has hosted national conventions in the past, the last being 2004
  • Is partnered with local educational institutions including the University of Alberta, Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT), MacEwan University, Keyano College and Athabasca University, to co-ordinate accredited courses towards granting CIM’s professional designations (C.I.M. – Certified in Management, and C.Mgr. – Chartered Manager)
  • Currently has approximately 260 active members
  • Holds a members' event every two months to encourage member networking with guests, business or community groups and potential members, with focus on increasing management connections and skills
  • Is always looking to welcome new members

Northern Alberta & Northwest Territories Chapter Education Partnerships

CIM | Chartered Managers Canada values education that empowers students to develop their skills and grow into confident and competent managers and business leaders. The Northern Alberta & Northwest Territories Chapter in Edmonton has specifically partnered with a number of post-secondary institutions in the city of Edmonton and around Northern Alberta to ensure that they offer programs that meet the requirements of the Chartered Manager Program (CMP) so students can become eligible for our management designations upon completing their program. If you are looking at post-secondary programs in Northern Alberta area to advance your career in management, consider these programs to help you obtain our C.I.M. and C.Mgr. designations.

Past Events at CIM | Chartered Managers Canada's Northern Alberta & Northwest Territories Chapter

The Northern Alberta and Northwest Territories Chapter of CIM | Chartered Managers Canada hosts various events year-round to bring chapter members together to network, develop their professional management skills, and discuss new developments in management & leadership. Some of the events that the chapter has recently hosted include:

CIMNAB Networking & Professional Development Dinner - May 19, 2022

The CIM Northern Alberta & NWT Chapter held its first "post pandemic" networking and professional development dinner on Thursday, May 19, 2022, featuring Jean Jacques (JJ) Mitakaro, P.Mgr., C.Mgr., CIMNAB Events Director, who spoke about the new face of networking post pandemic and tips for effective networking in the "new normal".   Thank you to the manager and staff at Buffet Royale Carvery West, 17202 95 Ave NW, Edmonton, for the warm welcome and excellent service.

Virtual Spring Social

Back in April 2021, The Northern Alberta & Northwest Territories Chapter hosted an online social event over Zoom which brought members together to network and casually discuss what has been happening in the world of management during the COVID-19 pandemic. With no set itinerary or topics, this event turned out to be a fun and enlightening event that brought the unique experiences and perspectives of our chapter members to light.

Northern Alberta & Northwest Territories Annual General Meeting

Members of the Northern Alberta and Northwest Territories Chapter come together once a year for their local Annual General Meeting. Chapter members come to discuss their vision for the chapter, new developments in management and leadership, and the chapter committee begins to plan events and opportunities for the coming year.

Join CIM | Chartered Managers Canada's Northern Alberta & Northwest Territories Chapter Today

Join the Northern Alberta and Northwest Territories Chapter of CIM | Chartered Managers Canada to become a part of a prestigious group of business leaders that serve the largest geographic area in Canada. Joining as a CIM member will give you access to a wide network of management professionals, management and leadership resources like white papers, case studies and thought leadership pieces, our exclusive on-demand portal ManagementDirect, and give you the ability to hold our prestigious management designations. If you’re ready to get noticed and recognized internationally as a true business leader, then join CIM | Chartered Managers Canada today!

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2023 Chapter Committee Members

Chair - Rutendo Grace Dube-Chikowore, C.I.M. 

Treasurer - Dennis Sokul, C.Mgr.

Vice Chair - Cindy Erdosi, C.Mgr.

Secretary/Communications Director - Vacant

Events/Professional Development Director - Jean Jacques Mitakaro, C.Mgr.

Director(s) at Large - Adam Hall, C.I.M., C.Mgr.

Director(s) at Large - Rickard Enstroem, C.Mgr.

Director(s) at Large - Yoneke Alexander, C.I.M., C.Mgr.


Northern Alberta & NWT Chapter is pleased to welcome members in the following categories:
  • C.Mgr.
  • C.I.M.
  • Associate Member
  • Student (Accredited and non-Accredited)
  • Retired

Professional Members are individuals who, having met the Institute's requirements, are entitled to use the protected professional designations, C.I.M. or C.Mgr.

A Life Professional Member is a member of the Institute who is recognized as contributing exemplary service at the Chapter and/or at the National level.

General Associate Members are individuals who do not hold the C.I.M. or C.Mgr. designations, but by virtue of their background, education and/or experience wish to hold associate membership for purposes of their own interest.

Student Associate Members are students who are enrolled in an NCMA Nationally Accredited or non-accredited degree, diploma or certificate program in management at a recognized academic institution.

A Corporate Associate Member is a corporation or other business entity that holds corporate membership.

For the Fee Schedule, click here.

Contact Information

Northern Alberta & NWT Chapter
c/o Canadian Institute of Management
311 – 80 Bradford Street
Barrie, ON  L4N 6S7
E-mail:  Grace Dube  cimnab@gmail.com 

Twitter:    CIMalberta_NWT
LinkedIn:  www.linkedin.com/in/cim-northern-alberta-nwt *

*All members are encouraged to connect with us on LinkedIn and share your management and leadership insights. 

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