About CIM | Chartered Managers Canada's British Columbia & Yukon Chapter

Chapter Overview

The British Columbia and Yukon Chapter covers a very large geographical area spanning the entirety of the province and territory. As CIM | Chartered Managers Canada’s most recently established Chapter, we bring a fresh and innovative perspective to the association. Our economy on the west coast presents unique opportunities and challenges for managers to navigate. Our Chapter is focused on training and supporting our members so they are prepared for success in their management roles.

British Columbia & Yukon Chapter Education Partnerships

CIM | Chartered Managers Canada values education that empowers students to develop their skills and grow into confident and competent managers and business leaders. The British Columbia and Yukon Chapter has specifically partnered with a number of post-secondary institutions in British Columbia to ensure that they offer programs that meet the requirements of the Chartered Manager Program (CMP) so students can become eligible for our management designations upon completing their program. If you are looking at post-secondary programs in British Columbia to advance your career in management, consider these programs to help you obtain our C.I.M. and C.Mgr. designations.

Past Events at CIM | Chartered Managers Canada's British Columbia & Yukon Chapter

The British Columbia and Yukon Chapter of CIM | Chartered Managers Canada hosts various events year-round to bring chapter members together to network, develop their professional management skills, and discuss new developments in management and leadership. Some of the events that the chapter has recently hosted include:

Annual General Meeting

Members of the British Columbia and Yukon Chapter members come together once a year for their local Annual General Meeting. Chapter members gather to discuss their vision for the chapter, new developments in management and leadership, and the chapter committee begins to plan events and opportunities for the coming year. The last annual general meeting of the chapter was held online in May 2021.

Art of Leadership Conference

On December 2, 2019, members of the British Columbia and Yukon Chapter attended The Art of Leadership conference in Vancouver which was organized by one of our fantastic partners. This one-day conference featured five speakers who are thought leaders, business icons and bestselling business authors. The subject matter brought forward enlightening insights for our members which they were able to take back to their organizations to apply and improve their management capabilities. Through CIM | Chartered Managers Canada’s partnership with The Art of Leadership, members who attended were able to take advantage of fantastic savings in order to attend. 

Annual Member & Education Partners Appreciation Event

The British Columbia and Yukon Chapter holds an annual event to show appreciation to members and representatives of the educational institutions that our Chapter has partnered with. The last event was held on November 21st, 2019 at the Executive Airport Plaza Hotel and Conference Centre in Richmond, BC. This event featured member presentations, and a keynote presentation entitled “Managing through Leadership; A Senior Executive’s Perspective”, and included a light lunch and networking session. The event was not held in 2020 or 2021 due to pandemic restrictions, however we are excited to run these events again in the future when we are able.

Join CIM | Chartered Managers Canada's British Columbia & Yukon Chapter Today

Join the British Columbia and Yukon Chapter of CIM | Chartered Managers Canada to become a part of a prestigious group of business leaders. Joining as a CIM member will give you access to a wide network of management professionals, management and leadership resources like white papers, case studies and thought leadership pieces, our exclusive on-demand portal ManagementDirect, and give you the ability to hold our prestigious management designations. If you’re ready to get noticed and recognized internationally as a true business leader, then join CIM | Chartered Managers Canada today!

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Contact Information

11, 6111 Sayward Rd
Duncan, BC
V9L 5J4

Email: bc@cim.ca

Chapter Committee Members

Chapter Chair - Peter P. Fernandes, P.Mgr., C.Mgr.
Chapter Treasurer - Dale Unrau, P.Mgr., C.Mgr.
Chair, Education - Wincy Chow
Chair, Marketing - Robert Costanzo, C.Mgr.
Committee Member - Saeed Sabeti, P.Mgr., C.Mgr.
Chair, Membership & Administration - Wilfred M. Barranoik, P.Mgr., C.Mgr.

BC/Yukon is pleased to welcome members in the following categories:

For the Fee Schedule, click here.


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