Chapter Chair's Message

By Chapter Chair, Phil Russo, FCPA, FCGA, C.Mgr., P.Mgr., FICIA, O.M.C.

Phil Russo pic

This year, most individuals globally experienced a complete shift in normalcy. Our daily lives, as we know it, were upended and altered due to the circumstances surrounding the pandemic. Our state of normalcy has shifted dramatically, and as a testament to the human spirit, we have demonstrated extraordinary adaptability and resilience in the midst of extreme challenges. Through all the tribulations, many individuals across the globe have discovered things to be hopeful for. This year, we have persevered through large-scale forest fires, flooding, earthquakes and power outages. Individuals were advised to stay home, and our workculture changed as a response to today’s circumstances – working from home, revised hours, and daily tasks and responsibilities.

Amidst these challenges and obstacles, there were positives that outweighed the cons. The vaccines became speedily available, rules on social gathering were relaxed. Malls, restaurants, movie theatres, gyms and travel have been reopened. 2021 has been another year that will leave its mark in the history books. Now that the new COVID-19 variant is upon us, staying safe during one of the most social times of the year will be challenging. Life is about learning; learning to live, love, laugh and experience through the most difficult and trying times are how we build character and lead fulfilling lives. On behalf of the Toronto Chapter Committee, we extend our best wishes that your holidays are full of joy, warmth, laughter – and may the year ahead be packed with good fortune and fulfillment.

The CIM Chartered Managers Canada 2021 National Annual General Meeting took place virtually on November 27th, 2021. It was an enjoyable and informative zoom event, and was great to see and hear members from coast to coast! I would like to welcome new National Directors Ernesto Cordero, Andrew McTear and Gayle St. Denis. I would also like to congratulate the following re-elected Directors: Bob Fisher, Valerie Gundersen and Steve Lupky. Bob Fisher was re-elected as National President by the Board of Directors after the recent online AGM. Congratulations Bob and all the best to the National Board! 

I would like to encourage all Student Associate Members that have graduated from their NCMA Professionally Accredited program to obtain your Certified in Management (C.I.M) designation. A professional designation tells existing and prospective employers that you have developed various competencies in leadership, strategy, finance, accounting, management operations and organizational analysis. Designations bring together rigorous business education and management aptitude, setting you apart to contribute to your organization’s success. Please visit our website for details.

CIM Chartered Managers Canada Benefits and Services can be seen at:

Founded in 1942, CIM Chartered Managers Canada has provided management development and certification to over 80,000 Managers. (

Have a safe and HAPPY HOLIDAY SEASON and a terrific New Year!

For more information, please visit

Please continuously refer to the CIM Toronto Chapter website for upcoming Toronto chpater events and news.

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